After app creation App Owner receives 3 sms on the phone which was specified during registration:
Sms with link for confirming App Owner’s email - for easier account activation
Sms with link for checking how just created app looks in App Owner’s mobile phone as HTML5
Sms with link to the market to Appsmakerstore Order Manager app (depends on device - App Store, Google Play or Windowsphone marketplace)
In all gadgets, where App Owner/End User get notification from system, now sender in such mails is App owner email (not appsmakerstore or WL)
Share gadget was removed from side menu in native iOS cover
Missing translations were added in Form editor gadget ("Data successfully sent" msg)
Problem with changing order of added contacts in Information gadget after saving was fixed
Products counter was added to the cart icon in Take Away and Mobile Shopping gadgets
- Added validation for fields in Reseller, Franchise, Whitelabel forms and for Whitelabel invoice page
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