Main page was updated
New Prices & Functions block was added, full Prices & Functions page now can see only logged in User
Win8 store banner was removed from main page
In Weather gadget was added ability to set temperature in Fahrenheit or in Celsius for App Owner and for End User
Now all external links User has in gadgets are opened in iframe so User don't leave app, but exists ability to open it as external page - "Go" btn in iframe page and to share link via email, fb, tw
Now if If user try to upgrade to any of inactive plans ( iTunes plan, iTunes GOLD, Android plan, Android GOLD, Total plan GOLD, Booking plan, Platinum plan) by PayPal he will be redirected to Premium plan
Now if account has status blocked it automatically goes to free plan: If user status is changed to blocked by Admin: User plans are deleted and User apps can't be used by end users (Black screen)
Problem with creating app from templates was fixed
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