"Convert GPS coordinate to your local standard" link and note which format we are using in our gadget have been added to POI gadget
Now information which has been sent by User last time is saved in the form of Form Editor gadget during next opening of the gadget. User still has opportunity to reset the form or to change some fields manually, for example, User logins to App and opens Form Editor gadget, fills in the required fields, presses submit, all information is auto save in gadget, User leaves the Form Editor gadget (or the App), then the user logins again and opens the Form Editor gadget he can see all the fields already filled in the previous time, if needed can manually change the information in the necessary fields.
New icon for products deleting has been added to Mobile Shopping and Take Away carts
New Subtitle field has been added to Product’s page of Mobile Shopping and Take Away gadgets and it’s shown under title on list/product page
Opportunity to regulate Background image position has been added to Design tab on dashboard
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