Was added promo banner on main, pricing and dashboard
(Not logged in user sees on:
- main
- pricing
Logged in and free see on:
- main,
- pricing
- dashboard
Could be closed by pressing on X button.
2. Added “Privacy policy” in settings (F&B and Shopping gadget)
**App owner**
- go to gadget admin
- open setting tab
- tick checkbox for Privacy policy ability
- Add Privacy policy text to text filed (obligatory to fill in if Privacy policy checkbox is on )
- Save
**End user**
- open F&B gadget
- add products to cart
- confirm cart
- see Privacy policy text with scroll and buttons <Cancel> and <Accept>
- cancel: go back to cart
- Accept: go to fill in order form to finish the order
3. Made banner for app
**App owner**
added ability for app owner to add promo banner to web version
- upload images on dashboard (design tab) as many images as App Owner wants
- add link to image ( not mandatory).
Was added separate files for Mobile version banner
So app owner can use separate files for mobile and web
**End user**
- open,
- see banner on top of page (btw top menu and gadgets).
If banner has several images => images rotation (1 sec).
If image from banner has saved link and user presses on it - link opens in new tab)
4. Form editor report ( added settings for app owner in Form editor: get daily report)
If on - app owner gets data in csv/pdf file with all forms submitted during the day.
There are two checkboxes. For pdf and csv respectively.
Reports are generated at the end of the day by GMT + 0 (Server time).
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