Stopwatch functionality - Form Editor gadget
This functionality allows end-users to track time via the form in an App and send the results to App owner in PDF or CSV file formats.
The Stopwatch gadget is ideal for GPS Tracking Apps where end-users can, for example, track the time required to travel to their destination and then send a report to the App Owner, or to track an employee’s different activities and routines where App Owners’ want to receive reports from their End Users.
For an App Owner to add the Stopwatch functionality:
- Go to the Appsmakerstore Dashboard > Select a Form Editor gadget > Info
- Select ‘Add another’ in the Form Editor Gadget
- Choose the Stopwatch function in the Dropdown list presented
- Name the Title field for Stopwatch function
- Add some Help notes if required
- You can also choose the Mandatory, Keep field values… and Enable Conditional Logic by checking the appropriate tickbox
7. Click Save.
Stopwatch Form Editor Results
- The App Owner can choose to receive the results automatically daily by email as a PDF or as a CSV file
- To receive a PDF report go to the Stopwatch Form Editor ‘Settings’ tab and choose Send PDF report each day
3. To receive a CSV file report go to the Stopwatch Form Editor ‘Settings’ tab and choose to send CSV report each day
Allocating Form Editor Stopwatch gadget to a User Group or Groups
- The App Owner can configure the Form Editor Stopwatch gadget so that it is only available to End Users in a certain predefined User Group(s), defined within the Dashboard CRM
- Go to the Stopwatch Form Editor ‘Settings’ tab, in the Groups box click on ‘Add’ to make the Stopwatch Form Editor gadget available only to the predefined End User Group
Exporting Cumulated Results Report
- The App Owner can manually export the cumulated results report as a PDF or as a CSV file
- Go to the Stopwatch Form Editor ‘Export’ tab, select and click either the ‘Export in PDF Format’ or ‘Export in CSV Format’ button and the relevant report will be downloaded to your local machine / device subject to it being able to support the relevant file format
3. Here the App Owner can permanently delete the accumulated results by pressing the ‘Clear old results’ red highlighted text, noting that this deletes all the results and makes them irrecoverable.
For an End User:
- Open the appropriate Form Editor Gadget.
- Tap the ‘Start’ button. The Gadget will start tracking the time duration.
- Tap the ‘Stop’ button once you need to stop tracking the elapsed time.
- The Results will be sent to the App Owner's email or to another prescribed email which was set for receiving the Form Editor gadget results.
Note: There may be minor variations in the screens presented above from Apple iOS and Google Android Operating systems and versions.
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