I can't find my application (App) anymore on Apple App Store, Google Play, or both.
Pinned FeaturedThe developer account is an account that belongs to you and the application store you have signed up with (Ex, Google Play or Apple App Store). If they have removed your App, you should have been alerted about changes you have had to make, or other requirements, generally before they take down your App. You can also log in to your developer account at Apple or Google to view pending cases.
Contact us again when you have solved the issue, and we will reupload your mobile application. The first upload is included in your subscription, and any extra publications will be according to our price plan. This also goes if you need help from their requirements that you need Appsmakerstore to do for you.
The final part is to ensure that you still have an active paid account here. If your account has been downgraded, the app will be deleted and removed if not already by you in the Google or Apple App Store.
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